Restorative & Transformative Justice HUB

"Reimagining Juvenile Justice"

One of the goals of the Restorative & Transformative Justice Hub (RTJ HUB) is to assist young people with resolving conflict, before young people touch the justice system, and connecting youth/young adults (ages 10-26 years old) to a variety of community resources. The supports are intended to break cycles of incarceration, poverty & trauma.

The HUB is a 2-year pilot program focused on restorative & transformative justice with the goal of preventing youth involvement in the juvenile justice system while enabling them to become successful & productive members of Camden City. The purpose of the HUB is to resolve local conflicts through dialogue & referral linkages instead of punitive measures, such as locking youth in detention centers. At the current phase of the RTJ HUB, supports are for Camden City residents only.

HUB Hours: Monday-Friday 8am to 8pm | Saturday: 10a-5p

RTJ Pilot Program

A 2-year pilot program focused on restorative justice with a goal of preventing youth involvement with youth justice and to enable youth to become responsible productive members of the community. A further goal is to empower the community and promote public safety.

Restorative Justice
Bringing youth, community & victims together to address the harm that was done and to develop solutions.

Transformative Justice
Building alternatives to our current system to address conditions that contribute to acts of violence.

RTJ Pilot Program Flyer
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RTJ Pilot Program Flyer
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